Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Towhead....I meant :)

I have some videos that I wanted to put up too, but I got a new computer that has an SD memory card reader and for some reason it will only take the photos off of the card and not the videos. Maybe Scott can figure out what I'm doing wrong. Emerson is smiling now! It seems to be as elusive as his voice when it comes to trying to capture it on camera...when all of the sudden a camera is hiding the view he was smiling at it vanishes. You'll notice in his pictures that all of his dark hair is falling out. He may be a toe head after all! For now we're enjoying that he and my dad have the same hair line :). I go back to work on Friday so I will have a lot less time to manage the blog, but I will try to continue putting new pictures up weekly and keeping everyone up to date on Emerson news.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Eye doctor

Good news from the eye doctor! Emerson's coloboma is completely cosmetic and will not affect his vision at all as it only involves his iris. He may be a little light sensitive, but other than that it shouldn't be a problem for him. He will just have a very unique looking eye :). If it bothers him when he gets older he can wear a colored contact lens to give his pupil a round appearance, but hopefully we can teach him that it's nothing to be insecure about!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Emerson found his voice! I have been trying to get it on video, but the minute I stick a camera in his face he stops talking. I will keep working on that. He goes to the eye doctor on Thursday. I'm not sure how they determine how his coloboma will affect him at this age, but I suppose they wouldn't have us go if there was no point in it. There isn't anything we can do about it but simply accommodate for any deficit he may have. He seems to track with it just as well as the other eye when we do one at a time and he doesn't seem to be light sensitive either, but it's pretty big so I'll be surprised if it's completely benign.

He has amazing head control for such a little guy. He also manages to move around a lot more than I expected. He almost rolled over from his stomach to his back a few days ago...he got on his side, but his arm got stuck behind him. It's a few months too soon for that! He will also spin himself in circles with his legs if you put him on his side and scoot across the floor on his stomach if you provide something for his feet to push against. I have a feeling he's going to be a handful when he really starts getting around! That's all for now. We'll let you know how is Dr.'s appointment goes!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

Can anyone tell me how two pictures of people I've never seen before made it in to the slideshow? These pictures are not in my album...very confused!

Just trying to figure out how to do this! No news to report right now, but I wanted to get this set up.