Monday, February 13, 2012

Catching up

Here are lots of pictures to make up for the long absence from the blog!  Everything is going really well.   Riley gets more pleasant every day.  He still would prefer to be held constantly, but I can talk him into entertaining himself for short periods of time here and there.  He has started cooing and smiling at his stuffed animals.  Probably the most noteworthy event is that we bought another house right around the corner from ours, only much larger, and we should be closing in the next few weeks.  We only have to remodel both bathrooms and the kitchen, build a laundry room, refinish the flooring, and repaint every wall...oh and replace the garage doors and the roof among many other things...yes, we have our hands full!  Making life as complicated as possible is what we do best :). We are excited though.  We needed more space soo badly and it should be a fun project.  We hope to find renters for the house we're in now. I return to work 3 weeks from today and they are currently in the process of transitioning all of the nurses to work from home so if all goes well my first day back will be at home!  I couldn't be happier...the commute from Norman to OKC and back everyday during peak rush hour is enough to make someone go crazy after a few years.  Riley has his two month check up on Friday and I will update you then!