Friday, March 19, 2010

2 month check up

He made it! 2 months old! Somehow we managed not to accidentally kill him :). Emerson had a check up this week and how that went, in Scott's words, "He was polite on the drive over. When we arrived he was very gracious. He didn't cry on the scale like most babies do, but the immunizations were not fun. Thankfully there was a drive-thru pharmacy adjacent to the Dr.'s where I picked up baby Tylenol" Lol he doesn't know I'm typing this word for word after asking him what I should share about the visit. I didn't get to go because I waited too late to ask off of work. The immunizations made Emerson feel very yucky and he just sobbed in our arms for most of the afternoon and evening until we finally got his fever to break. Poor guy :(. He slept really well though and woke up with a huge smile on his face the next day like nothing ever happened! He now weighs 11 lbs 14.4 oz, up from 8 lb 1 oz at his 2 week check up, and he is 23.5 inches long, up from 20.25. He is in the 50th percentile for weight and the 75th for length. Just your average growing boy!

He really loves to have lengthy conversations about anything you feel like talking I guess that makes him the perfect man! On one occasion when he was a little fussy we were listing off sports and asking if he was going to play them. After each sport he would give a wail of disapproval, but when I said "I know... you're going to be a dancer!" he stopped crying and lit up hehe. He can pee like the Bellagio fountains and waits until that brief moment when the old diaper comes off and the new diaper, which is conveniently placed underneath him already, open and ready to go, is pulled up and over. And then he smiles and sticks his tongue out...I swear he knows exactly what he's doing. He isn't content hanging out by himself in the pack 'n' play for an extended period of time unless you change his scenery every 15 minutes or so. So we hang various stuffed animals above him and he'll just chat 'em up. It's so awesome :). Thank you all for being a part of his life!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The bath time photos tonight were just too hilarious not to share right away!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lots of visitors this weekend! I still have yet to get a good picture of Em smiling, but Ally should be sending me some good ones she took on her phone. More soon... He is sleeping so we are going to take advantage and get some rest ourselves!