Monday, July 25, 2011

Emerson is 18 months!

Emerson had his 18 month check up last week.  He is still on the same growth curve and a very healthy boy. I am always worried that he's getting too skinny, maybe because I see so many images of chubby babies as the norm, but the Dr. said he's just right and doesn't need to be any chubbier. He has a vocabulary of over 60 words, not including animal sounds/impressions :) and the Dr. said he is definitely ahead of the game verbally.  He made sure to point out that just because he is verbally advanced doesn't mean he will potty train any sooner or more easily hehe.  We do have a potty for him and we try to have conversations about it every chance we get, but we probably won't really start trying until he's closer to two.  Which means I'll have a newborn to feed and Scott will have to be the potty trainer hehe. These photos cover a several month span, but I made sure to keep them in chronological order.  Gosh he changes so much in such a short period of time! :(


  1. skinny? Nooo, Emerson is not skinny... but he will thin out as he shoots up.. hopefully. Too many obese children today who will become obese adults. Not a good thing!

    There's no danger of his being undernourished when he has doting grammas giving him sweet stuff to drink and eat.

  2. what better model than Daddy for Emerson to emulate during potty training? ;0)
